1. 申请人邮件发送《中国科学院生态环境研究中心特别研究助理岗位申请书
2. 初选合格者将通过电话进行沟通。
3. 通知本人参加面试。
4. 人事处审核,组织现场答辩。
5. 拟聘人员进行公示。
6. 办理博士后进站手续。
7. 按照特别研究助理进行岗位管理,签订特别研究助理岗位聘用合同。合同期限一般为3年,经双方协商一致,可续签一次。
2. 对于创新潜质和科研业绩突出的特别研究助理,团队负责人有权增发绩效工资,并且符合任职条件的可竞聘具有事业编制的副研究员岗位。
合作导师:焦文涛 研究员(wtjiao@rcees.ac.cn)
special research assistant positions available at site soil pollution remediation research group
the site soil pollution remediation research group has openings for 3~4 special research assistants available right now. the potential research topics include: (1) heat-assisted chemical oxidation of pollutants in soil, (2) microbial degradation of organic pollutants in soil, (3) development and demonstration of novel soil-remediation technologies. the successful applicants will also have opportunities to work on research projects funded by national key research program and nsfc.
1. qualifications:
(1) obtained the ph.d. degree within the past three years with an age under 35.
(2) possess the capabilities conduct research independently, highly motivated and have a team-spirit. published at least 3 research articles in peer-reviewed journals. can draft scientific reports fluently in chinese and english.
(3) preferences will be given to candidates who has research backgrounds in thermal engineering, chemical engineering, environmental biotechnology, environmental process modeling, or other related fields. special preferences will be given to candidates who has research backgrounds in soil pollution control.
2. application process
(1) send the application form, diploma of ph.d. degree, the first page of published articles, information related to past research projects (please note the role of applicant as either pi or participants), patents, scientific awards, and other materials that can reflect the applicant's scientific achievements. the application form can be downloaded at: http://www.rcees.ac.cn/tz/rczp/201909/t20190911_5382433.html.
(2) we will contact the suitable applicants after reviewing his/hers application materials.
(3) candidates who passed the phone interview will be invited to have an on-site interview
(4) the candidate's qualifications will be reviewed by rcees; the candidate will be required to give a presentation
(5) the successful candidate's information will be posted on rcees's website
(6) the successful candidate will have to finish the paper works before formally employed
(7) the tenure for special research assistant position is 3 years, and the contract can be reviewed once for another three years
3. salaries and benefits
(1) a stipend will be given to special research assistant during the tenure of employment
(2) extraordinary special research assistant may receive additional bonus from the research group and can apply to be an associate professor at rcees
(3) qualified special research assistant can apply the "cas special research assistant project". the successful applicant of this project will receive up to 800k of grants for a during a period of 2 years.
4. contact information.
please contact dr. wentao jiao, who is going to be the supervisor of the successful candidates at wtjiao@rcees.ac.cn.
5. misc.
the starting date for special research assistant is july, 2021. this advertisement is valid until all the positions are filled.